Getting Happy... when you wish you were dead
Day 132 – Friday, 22 Mar
I started laying out this outline today. I got a lot of the pieces in place, and need to read through my journal to fill in gaps. I’ll also ask people like Matthew and Millie to help me fill things in.
I’ve always known this would be the most difficult manuscript for me to write. This is, I guess, the real start of it. It’s one thing to put down the dates and what happened, but making this outline means attaching emotions to each day and event. That’s a hard thing to do.
Especially after meeting with Matthew Parks today. He brought up my biggest dream for Getting Happy and asked whether I’m being at all realistic. That really pissed me off. It doesn’t seem to matter that I have a Have To Hit goal, a This Is Great goal, and a Dance On The Ceiling goal. He only cares that the Dance On The Ceiling goal doesn’t seem realistic. Well, duh, but it isn’t supposed to seem realistic – neither is dancing on the ceiling!