There is no Silver Bullet, One Click Magic, or any other
Business B.S. for you here! This is
for Business Owners who know Work and
Success go Hand In Hand.

That warning given . . . Imagine being able to plan, implement, and celebrate your business growth hand in hand with other experienced, knowledgeable entrepreneurs. You can be in a powerful group of twelve supported with your material in a best selling book, radio interviews, live events, two virtual summits, and a monthly master mind.

Let me ask a couple of questions to see if this might be a fit for you.

2023 is drawing nigh. If we were to meet New Year's Eve 2024, what has to happen during 2023 for you to feel happy about your progress?

What are the biggest dangers you must face, and overcome, to achieve that progress?

What are your biggest opportunities to focus on and capture in achieving your progress?

Which strengths do you need to reinforce and maximize, and what currently lacking skills and resources do you need to develop, to capture those opportunities?

These are powerful questions, yes?

Think how much easier it will be to face and overcome those dangers in an understanding, encouraging, highly accountable group of experienced business owners. People who can help you explore your opportunities and discover new ones. Entrepreneurial thinkers to expand the skills available, multiply resources, and build on your strengths.

I know it's unusual to suggest this, but perhaps it's worth taking a few minutes to answer those questions. It's certainly worth it to me for you to take that time. Having answers to those questions is definitely helpful in deciding whether we have a fit.

Business Builder's Elite 

This is my Return to Action after walking away from marketing and publishing in 2012. Naturally I want to do everything possible to make Business Builder's Elite successful. For my part, I am updating two best sellers, finishing a workbook, and organising this project.

As you’ll see below, Business Builder's Elite has events throughout 2023 starting in February. But the benefits listed start in December 2022 and run until 31 December 2023. Some of them have already started unofficially. The sooner you join, the sooner you reap those benefits.

If you've read Michael Crichton's The Andromeda Strain you know the value of pulling in knowledge from a variety of sources and experience. David Epstein's Range is a more thorough exploration of this valuable approach. This is why the selection process for Business Builder's Elite is thoughtful and deliberate. Your best value is in having members with a diverse range of knowledge and experiences.

BBE Events

Year End Success Celebration - 16 December 2023

One of the few good things about having a birthday this close to the year's end is that it's fun to combine it with other celebrations. In this case, the opportunity is combining the celebration of our successes with my birthday and Christmas.

2024 Goal Setting Summit - 4 to 15 December 2023

Virtual event – multi-day education
(a)Virtual event – multi-day education
(i)60 minute interviews
(ii)Interviews are focused on preparing for business growth in 2024
1.Core group as interviewers
a.Conrad interviews Core group members
2.Secondary group as interviewees

Business Builder’s Elite Conference - 20 to 30 August 2023

Virtual event – multi-day education
(i)60 minute interviews
(ii)Interviews are an exercise or walk through of something actionable
1.Core group as interviewers
a.Conrad interviews Core group members
2.Secondary group as interviewees

Fundraising Tour - June 2023

A-Team Members Only

We're arranging a book tour covering 8 cities in 5 states for June 2023 from Florida to Virginia. I’ll gladly have my VA book you as a guest speaker for live tour events. We can even make it work if you need to present via Zoom. And yes, there is “on the tour” training for doing presentations to audiences of all sizes.

To be clear, the dates are tentative at this point. They have to be confirmed by the local organisations for which the fundraiser is being organised.

Richmond, VA 

Raleigh, NC

Greensboro, NC

Charlotte, NC

Knoxville, TN

Atlanta, GA

Orlando, FL

Tampa, FL

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Friday, 9 June 2023

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Friday, 16 June 2023

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Friday, 23 June 2023

Tuesday, 27 June 2023

Thursday, 29 June 2023

Each event is a fundraiser for local charities that have had a hard time raising funds recently because of the pandemic. That means 60% of funds raised are being given to those local charities. It also means our primary effort is to provide value to attendees.

Fair Warning: Anyone who delivers more sales pitch than information will be immediately dropped from the program. It is my sole judgement that makes this decision so I am entirely willing to review your presentation with you before it is made.

Social Proof Events - February to May 2023

A-Team Members Only

We are doing two weeks of publicity events in each of the tour cities. These events run from 5 Feb ’23 to 27 May ’23. They are short, guest speaker gigs at local service clubs (Rotary, Lions, etc.) where you can present on your specialist topic as a preview of the fundraising event. That said, there is no requirement for you to participate in the Social Proof Events. If you are able to participate, the opportunity to build relationships is priceless.

Part of this type of gig is having a meal with the club executive. The conversation during that meal is your opportunity to talk with the club executive about the fundraising event and their opportunity to promote it. We can discuss whether, and how, these events fit with your schedule.

2023 Goal Setting Summit - 5 to 15 December 2022

Virtual event – multi-day education
(a)Virtual event – multi-day education
(i)60 minute interviews
(ii)Interviews are focused on preparing for business growth in 2024
1.Core group as interviewers
a.Conrad interviews Core group members
2.Secondary group as interviewees

BBE Farm Team Benefits

Master Mind Alliance  

This is nothing like the ego stroking, group love sessions most self-proclaimed gurus like to claim is a mastermind. You know the type, where they are the master and you better mind what they say.

This is a monthly group meeting of 25 Farm Team members with A-Team members attending. It is the Master Mind described by Napoleon Hill.

The Master Mind is a big part of why the group is limited to such a small number. Everyone has to have an opportunity to share what they are doing and ask questions.

Automate Your Business   

AI is a powerful tool and we put it to work in your business. From automating something as simple as Gmail to a process as complex as membership fulfillment, automating your business saves you money, frees up your time, and shows a professional face to your fans. I help you choose which things to automate and put the process into place.

My goal is for everyone to have their businesses as fully automated as possible by the end of 2023.

Private Facebook Group

A Master Mind is well served by staying in touch between the monthly group meetings. Slack is a private place where people can chat, share files, and collaborate. It might end up being a WhatsApp room or something similar depending on what everyone uses. The idea is to have a place where we can chat with only each other. Even a VA never sees this stuff.

This is one of the things we’ll discuss in Nov & Dec. I like Slack, but everyone might be more comfortable with WhatsApp or Discord.

Get Booked for Media Interviews   

My VA books interviews for you with radio stations across the U.S. You start with smaller stations to “cut your teeth” and get accustomed to doing interviews. Then you graduate to larger market shows with hundreds of thousands of listeners, and specialty shows with millions of fans. Just one interview per day from Monday to Friday at a fee of $50 each totals $13,000.

The idea is to take the same approach Jack Canfield used when he started promoting Chicken Soup for the Soul. He did at least one media interview every day, and frequently did morning media tours (interviews in each time zone from 7am to 10am). You have the opportunity to do the same thing through 2023.

Media Training        

I have been doing media interviews – on both sides of the mic – since 1999. There’s a lot more to doing an interview than just having a chat. Interviews require strategy and preparation. You learn how to answer the questions you want to answer no matter what the interviewer asks. Discover how to prompt listeners to visit your site for more information without seeming like a huckster.

Media training is a tough one to value. Normal pricing for media training is around $5,000 for just one day of training. In this case, we do the advance training so you’re prepared for doing interviews. Then we listen to your interviews so we can do more training. And that continues until you demonstrate you can handle an interview well. My experience includes attending the National Institute of Broadcasting, performing at The Second City for five years, and being on both sides of the microphone or camera for 23 years.

Farm Team members receive training in groups of 50 with follow-up training in the master mind groups. A-Team members receive individual and group training.

Receive Author Status on My Websites      

Author is a specific role on a WordPress website just like Editor or Administrator. Boost your SEO (and Google ranking) by publishing articles on the relevant sites and getting external links to your website.

Free Copies of The Book     

Farm Team members receive 50 free copies of each book:

  • Position. Power. Profit. The Shocking Truth About Using a Book to Grow Your Business
  • The Social Media B.O.G.: The Raw Truth on Using Social Media to Build Community, Encourage Loyalty, and Genuinely Increase Sales

You are welcome to sell them at retail or give them away as a means of building relationships.

Discounted Book Copies 

Farm Team members receive Distributor Bulk Pricing (55% discount) on all books published by CERIOHS. A-Team members receive copies of all books published by CERIOHS at author pricing. In both cases, members pay shipping for the books they order.

It’s hard to say how much this is worth because everyone will handle it differently. You might give the books away as a relationship builder. Maybe you use it in a self-liquidating offer. Or you could sell it at retail. In every case, there is the value of the book plus the value it brings to your business. There’s no real way to calculate how much that is worth.

BBE A-Team Benefits

A-Team members get all the benefits afforded to the Farm Team plus those listed below.

Place your ad in Position. Power. Profit. or The Social Media B.O.G.

This is sort of the primer for the program, right? There is a limit of 6 ads per book (which gives us the limit of 12 for the master mind). You can “bring your own” if you want, or we can work together to get your ad written and designed.

Be Represented at Every Fundraising Event

From a vertical vinyl banner to having your books and order forms at the back of the room, you are represented at every tour event. Since the fundraising events are just one day in length there are limited opportunities for in-person presentations. Fortunately, each A-Team member can record their presentation and have it provided to attendees as a bonus.

You might be wondering why there is a definite value assigned here, but the value for presenting at the tour events is priceless. It's a good question. The value here is based on charging $200 per event to have your business promoted.

Your Material is Used in the Manuscript       

The whole point of placing an ad anywhere is to help grow your business, right? So I make sure you are mentioned in the manuscript to draw attention to your skills and the ad. If you’re ambitious and savvy, you can even contribute to the manuscript.

The plan is we do a couple of Zoom calls together to talk about what you do. Then I work the material from those interviews into the manuscript. When it’s done, I send you a note telling you where you are mentioned. You look it over and correct any mistakes I make. This makes it as easy as possible for you.The reason for a priceless value here is your content in the manuscript consistently directs people to you and your ad. That means it continues to generate a flow of prospects to you for as long as the book exists.

You are Introduced in a Special Contributor Section

We have all seen the About the Author section at the back of a book, yes? Placing an ad means you get introduced in a Special Contributor Section at the front of the book.

I thought about marking this as priceless, too, but I’m unsure how to value this. After all, there’s no way to be a special contributor unless your ad is in the book and your content is in the manuscript, yes? So I guess that technically makes this a priceless value, too, but it feels a little pedantic to keep assigning that as a value.

Place Your Ad on My Websites  

If your ad is in The Social Media B.O.G. then it’s also on the website Social Media: Cheap and Easy. Advertisers in Position. Power. Profit. have their ads on Conrad Hall Author.

I chose the lowest valuation for a website banner ad of $200 per month for a year.

Guest Co-Host on My Podcast        

Social Media: Cheap and Easy, PEP or POOP, or The Marketing Spotlight. Which suits your business best? Be a Guest Co-Host for six episodes. Do a good job and it can be a recurring gig for you and your business.

4 Guest Postings to Your Website    

External links are as important to my SEO strategy as they are to yours. That’s why I’ll write 4 guest posts for your website.

Expand Your Business into an Area Exclusive Model

Follow the most successful message delivery system in history. Train others to do what you do, and set them loose in their local area. It’s affiliate promotion on steroids. Now let’s be clear, this is a bonus precisely because there are some businesses that are a poor fit for the area exclusive model.

Team Member Benefits

Farm Team Members

Year End Success Celebration

2024 Goal Setting Summit

Business Builder's Elite Summit

Monthly Master Mind Alliance

Private Slack Chat Room

Get Help with Automating Your Business

Get Booked for Media Interviews

Media Training

Receive Author Status on My Websites

Free Copies of The Book

Discounted Books at Author Pricing

A-Team Members

Social Proof Events

Fundraising Tour

Place your ad in Position. Power. Profit. or The Social Media B.O.G.

Be Represented at Every Tour Event

Your Materials are Used in the Manuscript

You are Introduced in a Special Contributor Section

Place Your Ad on My Websites

Guest Co-Host on My Podcast

4 Guest Postings to Your Website

Expand Your Business into an Area Exclusive Model

Your Value

Farm Team







$13,000 (minimum)



$2,000 to $4,000












Are we a fit? Will this proposal help you achieve your answers to the questions I posed?